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Have you ever dreamed of becoming a pilot?
If you ever dreamed of becoming a pilot, the first step is to decide what sort of pilot you want to be. Do you want to be a recreational pilot who flies just for fun or a commercial pilot?
Many people are misinformed about what a commercial pilot is. They assume that if someone is a commercial pilot, they must be an airline pilot. Commercial pilots can be as well, cargo pilots (fly cargo aircraft), executive pilots (transferring VIP), flight instructors (training student pilots), or ferry pilots etc...
A commercial pilot is simply one that is lawfully allowed to receive remuneration for his/her flying services, something that a private pilot license (PPL) holder is not allowed to do by the law.
Is Cretan Eagle Aviation an ATO (Approved Training Organisation)?Cretan Eagle Aviation is an EASA certified training organization, operating under EL ATO-133 "Cretan Eagle Aviation".
Can I become a pilot from zero experience?Yes of course. Every pilot passes through the initial steps of pilot training in order to discover and familiarise himself/herself with. It is progress, effort and time which assess an exceptional role.
If I rent an aircraft, can I fly as PIC (Pilot In Command)?"You can perform a check flight with an instructor in order to be able to fly as a Pilot in Command (PIC). However, if you are not familiarised with the Diamond DA-40 TDI aircraft and the Diesel engines in general, a differential training of minimum 5 hours with an instructor is required, according to the EASA regulations, in order to fly as a PIC.
What are the priviledges of a CPL(A) holder with ATPL Theory credit?The privileges of the holder of a CPL(A) with ATPL Theory credit are to : • Exercise all the privileges of the holder of a PPL (A), a CPL (A) and an IR (A) • Act as pilot-in-command or co-pilot in airplanes engaged in commercial air transportation
How do I enroll in your Flight Academy?i) Fill in our online application ii) Directly contact us in order to schedule an appointment at our premises, to discuss and solve any possible questions and fill in the official registration form.
Is my license internationally recognized?Yes, any EASA license is internationally recognized. You will need to convert you license, only if you decide to fly outside E.U.
What is the demand of future pilots worldwide?The 2019 Boeing Pilot & Technician Outlook, a respected industry forecast of personnel demand, projects that 804,000 new civil aviation pilots, 769,000 new maintenance technicians, and 914,000 new cabin crew will be needed to fly and maintain the world fleet over the next 20 years. The forecast is inclusive of the commercial aviation, business aviation, and civil helicopter industries. Over the next 20 years, the Asia Pacific region will lead the worldwide growth in demand for pilots, with a requirement for 266,000 new pilots. North America will require 212,000, Europe 148,000, the Middle East 68,000, Latin America 54,000, Africa 29,000 and Russia / Central Asia 27,000. Source:
Which are the applicable COVID-19 precautionary measures?Due to COVID-19 precautionary measures applicable in Greece, please spare some time to study the short information Safety MEMO provided below, upon your arrival in our HQ.
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